Interesting Things You Should Know About Pecky Cedar Lumber

IMG_0059A pecky cedar lumber is a great woodworking material that can be used for a wide array of woodworking projects. Obviously, this lumber is made from Cedar trees. Unlike other cedar products, though, this lumber features areas or pockets of decayed wood caused by the living tree’s advanced stages of rot or fungus. As soon as the lumber mills cut down the tree, this natural process stops, causing the decay to stop. This natural process can add more visual appeal to the wood without having to sacrifice longevity.For the most part, these lumbers are still pretty structural. Keep in mind that Cedar is one most durable and long-lasting wood available today. However, due to its natural rot and decay, these lumbers may not be a good choice for engineering large building projects.While they may not be ideal for projects that require heavy loads, they can be the perfect lumber for landscape and outdoor projects. Here are some of the woodworking projects you can use with the pecky Cedar lumber:

· Pergolas
· Garden boxes
· Fence posts
· Boardwalks
· Flower boxes
· Greenhouses
· Arbors

100% Organic
A pecky Cedar lumber is an all-natural woodworking material with no added chemicals. As such, this lumber makes a great choice for vegetable beds and raised garden. Not to mention, it is perfect for houses with children and pets. If you want to keep this lumber fresh and appealing, you can apply it with some Tung oil, which happens to be a safe and organic product as well.

Can last for a while
If you are looking for a landscape that would hold up for a long time, you cannot go wrong with woodworking product. Ironically, a this organic lumber is naturally resistant to rot, which makes it last longer than any other landscaping product. Thanks to the lumber’s natural oils, you no longer have to inject a bunch of chemicals or oils to extend its life expectancy. Indeed, this woodworking product is a lot better than the treated stuff.

Available sizes
These lumbers normally come in three different sizes. On retail stores, these lumbers are offered in 6×6, 4×6 and 6×8.