The Truth About Cedar Siding Maintenance Cost

As far as exterior materials, only a few choices offer a natural and warm look as a cedar siding. If you are planning to create log cabin and rustic feel for your home, cedar siding would make a terrific choice. In addition to its great feel and impressive appearance, this exterior material is fairly durable and long-lasting, especially if it is maintained on a regular basis. A lot of people, however, are concerned about cedar siding maintenance cost. As most people think, maintaining a cedar siding would cost a great deal of money.

Is maintenance necessary?

While cedar is a durable species by nature, leaving this exterior siding untreated is a definitely a big no-no for its users. Basically, treatments and proper maintenance would increase the siding’s service life to a great extent. Furthermore, maintenance helps preserve and maintain its sleek look and great aesthetic appeal.

Maintenance needed for a cedar siding

Cedar siding normally requires more maintenance, as compared to other exterior siding materials. To keep a cedar siding in excellent shape, you need to repaint and seal it at least once a year. Not to mention, you need to apply some protective coating to it, to avoid deterioration discolorations and unsightly stains.

Since it requires a lot of maintenance, some consumers assume that cedar siding won’t make good option for long-term use. The cedar siding maintenance cost, though, won’t require a large sum of money. Moreover, maintaining it is fairly simple, and can be done by anyone with limited to no experience in woodworking.

The products and materials needed for maintaining a cedar siding are very affordable. For the most part, these materials can be found at your local hardware store at a very affordable price. Here are some of the most solutions and products used for maintaining a cedar siding:

· Bleaching oil
· Clear coat
· Paint
· Sealer
· Detergent

Is it worth maintaining?


As with other cedar products, a cedar siding contains natural oils that serve as a preservative to repel rot as well as pest and insect attacks. When a cedar siding lacks the necessary maintenance, it will begin to lose these natural oils, which would eventually make it more vulnerable to decay and damage. However, when it is maintained well on a perpetual basis, a cedar siding can boost your house’s exterior for sixty to seventy five years.