Therapeutic Woodworking? How the Craft Promotes Wellness

Woodworking requires physical skill and a bit of strength. Lumber and power tools aren’t the lightest of items to handle. But the craft also requires creativity. Such activities won’t just maintain your physique, they also stimulate the mind and provide an artistic outlet to help cope and deal with troubles and worries. Call it therapeutic woodworking, if you will.

Working with lumber is like other forms of art, which promote wellness in people dealing with a myriad of conditions, as well as seniors seeking to stay fit and sharp. So it can serve as a supplement to treatment and therapy while being an engaging and worthwhile activity in its own right. 

Here are some examples of therapeutic woodworking in action: 

Facing Difficulties and Challenges

Many studies have shown that when confronted by a problem, or looking for solutions for said problem, it’s helpful to brainstorm. As well as other activities that let the mind wander to unrelated subjects. So new and creative solutions might emerge thanks to “lateral thinking.” 

In therapeutic woodworking, one gets immersed in the process, achieving a kind of Zen. There’s a meditativeness in it and one can emerge with a “eureka” moment.

Outlets for Work-Related Stress

Need to unwind from the grind? Feeling trapped at work? Break the routine with woodworking. Whittle down those pieces of lumber and create something new, different and beautiful with them. The mental stimulation is definitely a much needed change from the monotony of the office. Likewise, the feeling of having genuinely created something tangible will promote a sense of agency in a way no quarterly report or filled-up spreadsheet can. This act of therapeutic woodworking also occurs in the relative tranquility of the garage or workspace. Away from prying eyes and pushy superiors. Successfully completing a project will instill one with confidence. A sense of achievement, which can be brought over back to everyday life.

For Mental Health

Science backs therapeutic woodworking. Studies have shown that pursuing craft is good for our health as these produce psychological benefits or reduced symptoms of various conditions. All of this while channeling focus and energy into a truly creative and constructive process that one can hone and improve over time. 

Forging Relationships 

When doing these crafts in a group or collective setting, not only does an individual focus on his or her work, there’s also a surrounding community too. Together they can bond over the activity and provide feedback and support. As well as provide the foundations of relationships that will develop in time, leading to genuine friendships, mentorships, etc.

These are just a few examples of therapeutic woodworking. So, interested in starting your DIY projects at home, in your garage or workspace? Feel free to reach out to Rustic Lumber – your friendly neighborhood lumber supplier!